Your personal space, my personal space?

In one of my last blogs, I told you about one experience in NY city, when I was for the first time to the USA. It was unconfortable experience because I thought all people around the world had the same culture than mine. But not!! There are many people around the world, many culutres, many perceptions and vision to see the life. There are many ways to deal with people, many customs, traditions, habits that have passed from one generation to another year after year. But I did not know anything about it.

Now, I undesrtand how important is to know about cultural differences specially when you are an english teacher. The personal space differences are very important in many countries and other not. For example in my country, when you are going to go by bus, you should prepare to have much contact with other people. But if you are in a shopping center and you want to sit to another person it is not invade to the personal space, it is just one way to share the public space. In other case, if you are walking in the street and one man or woman is walking behind you closer, you can feel intimidate or invaded in your space.

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However, there are many countries where this topic about personal space is very strict and serious like Germany, Romania or Hungary. There are some social rules where society has classified in zone distances :

  • The intimate zone is within touching distance, from actually touching to about two feet. This is the space reserved for people who genuinely care about each other. Lovers hold hands and parents carry their children or put their arms around them protectively. It’s rare to see this space penetrated in business settings. But when it managed effectively, it can send a powerful message. Women use this space more than men; they tend to reach out and touch people more often.
  • The personal zone is from two to four feet. It’s used for discussions that are private and not meant to be overheard. In a busy networking meeting or at a party, people will avoid breaking this barrier if you are engaged with someone else at this distance. If you’ve ever been trapped by a bore and waited in vain to be rescued, try moving another foot away. It will open up your space for someone to enter.
  • The social zone is four to twelve feet apart. This is the space used for public and casual social conversations. It allows others to enter into the group. It can be fascinating to watch people conversing in a group; they resemble fish in a school as they move in and out to make a comfortable space for new entries.
  • The public zone is more than twelve feet. Public speakers and important figures use space to distance themselves from their audience (and establish authority, since demanding more space is a power signal.)

These social rules are important because many people could feel intimidate or uncomfortable during english classes. Even some students can be shy or with some fears to be near to you or others. It could be one obstacles to learn a new language freely.

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